WP Job Manager Reviews Addon v2.2.0
WP Job Manager Reviews Addon berguna untuk membantu pemilik listing Anda dengan ulasan lebih lanjut.
Direktori online berhasil atau gagal tidak hanya berdasarkan jumlah daftar tetapi juga pada kualitas ulasan. Dengan ekstensi ini, Anda memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan cara pengguna meninggalkan ulasan.
Fasilitas :
1. Regularly Updated
2. Detailed Documentation
3. High Quality Code
4. Fast and SEO Friendly
5. Fast and SEO Friendly
Online directories succeed or fail based not only on the quantity of listings but also on the quality of the reviews. With this extension, you have the ability to enhance how users leave reviews.
Lots of sites are filled with reviews from non-customers. If you’ve been to Amazon and seen their “verified purchase” annotation next to a reviewer’s comments, you know why this is important. Instead of getting trolled, this feature allows you to limit the reviews of a listing to those who have experienced or purchased the listing.
Now you can offer your owners the freedom to moderate the reviews they get on their own listings. This is one more feature we’ve created to protect your listing owners from spam or trolls. Now, they can approve reviews, mark them as spam, or delete them.