HARGA Rp 95.000

Team Showcase – WordPress Plugin v2.2.4

Team Showcase – WordPress Plugin dapat menampilkan satu set gambar dan informasi dalam tata letak yang berbeda. Tujuan utama plugin adalah untuk menampilkan anggota tim/staf, tetapi dapat digunakan untuk tujuan lain.
Sangat cocok untuk menampilkan anggota staf, tim, atau tenaga kerja Anda, bahkan dibagi berdasarkan kategori atau grup! Anda juga dapat menggunakannya untuk menampilkan testimonial atau jenis konten lain yang memerlukan gambar dan teks!

Fasilitas :
1. Grid
2. Grid with information on hover
3. Table
4. Thumbnails Pager Layout
5. Theme Presets
6. Filter by Categories
7. Drag & Drop Re-Ordering
8. Single Pages for each entry
9. Widget Ready

You can display the entries in 4 different main ways


The members will display in a responsive grid with the number of columns you set and with the information to the right, left or below the image, depending on your settings.



The members will display also in a responsive grid, but the information will display when you hover the image.



A simple responsive table layout to display the members in a simple way.



The thumbnails of the members pictures will display smaller and on click the bigger picture and information will display in a designated area. Very similar to a gallery functionality where you can navigate the content clicking on the small thumbnails.


JQuery Category Filter

On the Grid and Hover Grid layouts you’ll have the option to activate and display a Jquery Groups filter! You can display all your members and in one click your visitors will be able to filter out a selected category!


In addition to the options above, you can choose a preset combination of options.



Future versions of the plugin will probably include more built-in styles and themes!

Drag & Drop Re-Ordering!

When viewing the member entries archive, you can activate the Drag & Drop Ordering to easily change the order of the entries!


Team Showcase - WordPress Plugin - 7

Shortcode and PHP Function Generator!

It couldn’t be more easy to generate the necessary code to display the entries. Just go to the Shortcode generator, choose the settings you want and the shortcode and the php function that you can use will be generated and ready to copy and paste where you want! Shortcodes are to be used in posts, pages and widgets, while the php function will be necessary if you want to hard code the team showcase layout in your theme files.

The generator will make a preview of how the layout looks with the selected settings.


Input fields for specific content

Custom Feature Name!

You don’t like this feature to be called ‘Members’? Go in the plugin settings and change it to whatever you want!

Item Detail

Dibuat Pada :
12 November 2022
Diperbaharui Pada :
12 November 2022
Versi :
Widget Tersedia :
High Resolution :
Responsive :
Kolom :
Kompatibel Browser :
IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Edge
Software Versi :
WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
Kompatibel dengan :
Widget, Page, Post
File Termasuk :
Dokumentasi :

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